Back in January 2015, we covered men’s cologne advertising (That Manly Scent She Craves); so, in the spirit of equality, let’s have a look at perfumes for women…
This perfume advert comes to us from 1968 – featuring Dinah Lee, who had just released her The Mod World of Dinah Lee LP. But who is the mystery band featured below her? Her backup band? Inquiring minds want to know.
“Clinically tested to help young girls move through their teen years with poise and confidence.”
I didn’t think that was something you could clinically test… did they scientifically measure the poise and confidence of lab mice sprayed with Young ‘n Free.
The 1978 advert on the left proclaims that what excites boys the most is…. (drum roll please)… softness. Um, okay.
You may recognize the model in the advert on the right – that’s Pam Dawber of Mork & Mindy fame.
Me so morny. Me love you long time.
(Sorry. I couldn’t resist.)
“The 8 hour fragrance for the 24 hour woman.”
I guess we can presume that, for 16 hours, she’s not smelling too good.

Harper’s Bizarre Feb 1975
Faberge colognes – for the woman with peculiar tastes in rings.

Glamour Magazine 1981
“She’s not going to marry the boy next door”… she’s going make a huge mistake and marry a thoughtless douche-bag instead. Buy our perfume.

Catherine Deneuve in Harper’s Bazaar – Dec 1972
This is just batshit insane. She’s letting her dog pull her on rollerskates… while she’s reading a book… wearing a pageboy hat and thigh-high socks!
Cachet: for all types of women – ladies who like hats, ladies who make couches and ladies with with big breasts.
Woman’s Day magazine 1985
In 1969, Faberge had the “brilliant” idea to make their fragrances frozen. Yeah, that’s right – frozen cologne on a stick!
Amazingly risque for an advertisement from 1939!
This hilarious perfume piece comes from a 1985 Family Circle magazine, wherein a bunch of goofy men tell the world how they like their women to smell. Marc likes his women to smell musky, whereas David just likes his ladies to use soap.
The labels on these 1959 bottles read “Here’s My Heart”, “Bright Night” and “Persian Wood”… how very exotic.
From mid-century elegance to roller-disco tackiness, we’ve made quite the tour of perfume advertising history, but this is where we get off. Until next time -cheers!
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