“I’m just a collector of everything,” says Jeff Ogiba, of Brooklyn’s Black Gold Records. Jeff curates things found inside record covers.
He tells us:
“As a record dealer, looking inside a record and finding something is a reward for actually inspecting and cleaning a used record before attempting to resell it. Too many people don’t even bother to check the condition of the vinyl and too many people don’t inspect the records to ensure all inserts and enclosures are included. I think it’s a lot of fun to take a peek into peoples’ past via their stashed ‘things’. A lot of the time I actually leave the stuff (clippings, band photos) inside the records without adjusting the value of the record, so customers can have a little bonus. I know when I go to a record store and find these little treats, I appreciate the fact that someone may have passed them on.”
Look out for the sex, drugs and obsessions:

@marksthour scooped up a copy of Nancy & Lee and found this packet of some kid’s 70’s school photos inside! “Keep these precious memories forever!”

@pgiampi1 scored a copy of ‘The Heliocentric Worlds of Sun Ra’ and found an original celebration for the comet KOHOUTEK flyer inside!

@crackpipe_g found this drawing of Bob Dylan inside a copy of his Greatest Hits LP. The portrait is signed “J. McLellan 1977”.

@lingle_kevin found a copy of Flesh For Lulu’s ‘Long Live The New Flesh’ and inside was this 1987 stash of Alyssa Milano clippings.

@phils_photoshop found a cheap copy of David Bowie’s ‘Station To Station’ and the inner sleeve and insert were riddled with David Bowie fan notes. Lists of films starring Bowie complete with certificate ratings, and a comprehensive David Bowie album list of the records this person once had in his/her collection were also noted within.

@vitaminvintagevinyl found a copy of Prince’s ‘Purple Rain’ at a flea market in Bellmore, NY and although it didn’t include the promotional poster, it did include the (censored) scandalous photo seen here!

@pwarham was in Myrtle Beach at a flea market and picked up a fresh copy of Thriller. When he got home to play the record, out fell this 8″x10″ glossy. It reads “To David, Love always. For private partner (or parties?) Contact! 1-578-4513”.

An unsigned “Marijuana License” was found inside a Pam Todd & Love Exchange LP in Durham, NC by @carolinasoulcom – the certificate is signed by Jimmy “Nickel Bag” Carter, President.

@toddbotdotcomfound this zany letter from 1989 to “Jen” from “Dan”. Quite a charmer. It was inside a copy of ‘Oh No! it’s DEVO!’

@nickycamusiwas working at a record store and grading a copy of Al Stewart’s ‘Year of the Cat’ when this High Society adult magazine 45 fell out of the jacket.

inside this Creed Taylor Orchestra LP was a wedding invitation to Madeleine and JT’s ceremony and seafood dinner party in NYC, July 10th, 1988.

“New Year Resolutions for 1974” list and envelope found in a copy of The Beach Boys ‘Pet Sounds’. List has a lot to do with “loving Olivia” and “loving life more often”.

I found this handwritten review of David Bowie’s ‘Young Americans’ LP inside a copy of the same record. The review is dated May 22nd, 1975.

PROPERTY OF MARK AND TINA MYERS HANDS OFF OR DIE************ @jessmusicvibrations found this stuck inside an Ultimix comp.

I don’t usually post fan club or promotional inserts as they aren’t that uncommon, but this one is interesting. In a copy of Elton John’s ‘Captain Fantastic’ @derekdelacroixfound an Elton John fan club form and newsletter dated Spring 1975. A Q&A in the newsletter shares some interesting facts such as: “Did you know Elton’s house is nicknamed “Hercules?”” and “Elton likes girls who are well-mannered and who listen to music”. This record was found in the San Diego thrift, “Thrift Trader” which was featured all over the news a few weeks back for collapsing due to an excessively heavy record inventory.

@makeshiftatomsmasher found this unused Van Halen concert ticket from a 1982 Halloween show! I wonder why this person didn’t go?!

Andy Levine found this Leadbelly record at@jerrysrecords in Pittsburgh, PA. Inside he found a Muppets greeting card addressed to “Rik” from “Donna” featuring Miss Piggy telling Kermit “Since it’s your birthday, there’s something I’d like to get you.” When you open the card it says simply, “Alone.”

Andy Levine from Brooklyn found a copy of Tubular Bells at@doubledeckerrecords in Allentown, PA and inside found a few upsetting letters. The letters appear to be a young woman named “Bets” drafting a light will to her friend Rose. They are all very similar in content but the most succinct copy reads: Aug. 30th 1976. Rose, If I should die I want you to take everything you want. Don’t feel strange either, because I want you to have them. I hope you’ll remember me? Please make sure Bob gets my crosses and the ring he gave me. If he doesn’t get the ring, I want it on me when I’m dead! Thank you, Lots of love, Bets”
In another letter, she also urges Rose to take care of Bob “Because I know he likes you!” The name written on the cover of the record is indeed Rose’s, verifying that these letter were in fact delivered and filed away.

“J! We have a new album – ‘Peace Sells But Who’s Buying” out 9-5-86 on Capitol. We play Cleveland July 28th with King Diamond. Hope you make it. Til deth, Dave Mustaine”.

@turntablebooks45 found a postcard inside a Beatles ’65 LP. The postcard appears to Have been sent from France to Washington D.C. in 1965. Something about there being too many mountains in France.

@stuwhogodbomber picked up a copy of ‘Lady in the Front Row’ by Redd Kross at a charity shop today and found this written on the inner sleeve: “I bought this record because Joely says “Red Kross are ace.” I heard Phaseshifter and I agree. They are bloody brilliant, so is Joely. I love her. 30th January ’93, 19:13 sitting on my bed. Thinking of the love affair that wasn’t there last night.” We all hope it worked out for the previous owner of this record and Joely.

@academyrecords found this kid’s attempt at making a fake ID inside of a copy of Iron Maiden’s ‘Live After Death’ records.

@vinylbeast found a copy of the Clockwork Orange soundtrack and inside found a press kit that included production notes, cast info, music credits, etc.

@vinylanswerblogpicked up this Duran Duran LP—1995’s legendarily misguided covers collection, “Thank You”—last year at Amoeba Records in LA. Inside, He discovered a tiny re-creation of the cover with some different artists and photos than what appears on the real cover. It’s pretty fragile—photos photocopied on to silver paper and the band name is hand-painted in pink in the corner. His theory is that it was a mockup from the cover’s design phase and was tucked away into the finalized LP for safe keeping by its owner, who might’ve been an art director or exec at Capitol.

@vinylbeast found a choreograph sheet for a Jazzercise workout from 1988 inside this Martini Ranch LP.

inside this Creed Taylor Orchestra LP was a wedding invitation to Madeleine and JT’s ceremony and seafood dinner party in NYC, July 10th, 1988.

@hardymaguelone found a copy of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s ‘Street Survivors’ and inside was a photo of the band from a magazine, an article about the plane crash that took three members, and a handwritten list of the survivors and those lost in the aforementioned plane crash.

@llmmmnll found this clipping of a German translation of the song “Come on Eileen” inside this Dexy’s Midnight Runners LP

@hackmartian found this Sonny Rollins LP with a letter inside from Beth to the “guy who does the jazz show on Sunday nights” at KFIG. It appears his name is “Dave G” after all (see pic). In the letter, Beth asked Dave to play “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” – a version on this record that includes bagpipes.

found in a copy of ‘I Love Rock N Roll’ by Joan Jett. The other photos would’ve required too much censoring. Found at @blackgoldrecords awhile back.
Follow Jeff’s Instagram account here.
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