I don’t know the backstory to any of these found photograph celebrations… but I do know that I wish I had been there. While it’s a crying shame I wasn’t invited to any of these gatherings – it’s still interesting to pore through this stack of old photos of adults and teens partying and having a damn good time. Enjoy.
This doesn’t seem like a Halloween part. There’s costumes, but there seems to be a theme about them. Maybe a theater group partying after the curtain closes?
This is from the same party. I always knew I should’ve joined theater instead of the math club!
This one is dated 1969. The days when the ladies had big hair and the guys wore suits. The 1970s were quick to erase any remnants of the Mad Men era.

If only all “respectable” and boring office parties would erupt into a bunch of full grown adults rolling bottles with their noses, the world would be a better place.
The ladies are having a rollicking good time… meanwhile the guy in striped pants stands awkwardly alone.
What the hell? There’s a “playhouse” poster on the wall, which suggests this is another theater troupe celebration.
I’m going to hazard a guess that this is a sorority party of some kind.
It’s as if the woman looking at the camera is saying, “Party’s over. I’m about to beat this flirty blonde bunny’s ass.”
Now that’s what I call a party.
Vito, Me and Joe. I don’t know the name of “Me”, but she’s giving Vito and Joe a lot to smile about.
Um, yeah… is anyone going to notice the girl has a shotgun?
You know it’s a good party when….
The guy’s eyes may suggest he’s stoned; but I think this may be his first co-ed party, and he’s just high on life.
Forget the keg – bring on the super-sized Schweppes!
This is dated February 1971. These party-goers are all in their sixties now. A troubling thought!
None of the parties I went to in the 1980s had beautiful women spanking each other (under a paint-by-numbers tiger, no less). Evidently, my choice in parties to attend was severely lacking.
Feel free to use this as your desktop wallpaper. In fact, I recommend it. You will never be sad again.
This is from a party dated 1982. Man, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m sorry I missed this little gathering.
I suspect whoever is with the lady in yellow is going to have a good time tonight. Just a hunch.
This is genuine happiness – you can’t fake this kind of joy. Our current times are so full of division, judgement, and hostility – we could take a queue from the 1970s and start to lighten up, enjoy each other’s company and get to partying.
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