The Glorious 1970s T-Shirt

The 1970s truly was the decade of the T-shirt. In prior decades, it was just too casual for public use – plus, they weren’t emblazoned with your favorite bands, etc. In the 70s, it was an identity statement, and with iron-ons, you could have a limitless selection of choices.

By the late 1980s, T-shirts were relegated to concert tees, and lame Ocean Pacific/Panama Jack varieties. The once ubiquitous tacky tees took a hit during the Reagan/Bush era – but at least it wasn’t a common practice to wear your t-shirts ironically. (groan)

Anyway, here is a heaping pile of ads and images from the T-shirt’s glory days, when it seemed like every magazine, every product, and every pop culture figure could be worn across your chest. It’s an interesting time capsule – let’s have a look….


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