Patsy’s Reflections: Learn to Cook by Pictures Or How To Be A Domestic Goddess In 1946

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IN 1946, Daily Mirror Newspapers produced Ambrose Heath’s cooking book Patsy’s Reflections: Learn to Cook by Pictures. In it, Patsy learns to cook in the company of Peter, her husband, Joan Featherpenny, Mum, Dad and Mrs Always. Patsy cooks fish supplied by Mr Crabtree.


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The introduction sets the scene:

When Patsy got married to Peter in 1946, she hardly knew how to cook an egg, and she little dreamed that three years later hundreds of thousands of readers of the Daily Mirror would be looking forward each day to see what she would be up to in the kitchen. So with the help of Mum (to say nothing of Dad) and of her two cherry neighbors, the motherly Mrs. Always and the redoubtable Mrs. Joan Featherpenny, she sets out to teach herself how to cook…For after all, it’s much easier to see a thing done than merely to read about it. You’ll learn here about Patsy’s other great adventure, her first baby.

Get ready to salivate readers. First up: Minki a La Mode:


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The Old Mincer is not an arcane term for Mr Crabtree:

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The leading question: “But what am I to do with them?”

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Cold Hearts Warm Hands

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“Just What We Wanted To See” – a dead chicken. Now that’s entertainment.

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Fetch Me A Vase

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Sven Goran Eriksson, that question to you:

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Eating Milk In A Jelly Is As Good As Drinking It. 

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Queer. French. World Association 1940s Style:

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Did I Ever Tell You About Hansel And Gretel. Do stay for tea. I have dried egg and potted meant. You look so much tastier, my dear…

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Picked Beetroot Is Always Useful. It’s got mum out of many scrapes.

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What’s A Different Way Of Cooking Liver? Answer: Gin.

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The Bloaters

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