Bryan Cranston: Teen Heartthrob

sidebyside breaking bad


AS hard as it may be to imagine that the dark and intense meth maker of Breaking Bad was once a teen heartthrob, it’s true.  In the mid-1980s Bryan Cranston was a dreamboat for teenage girls.  So, when I came across the March 1985 issue of Teen Talk magazine, I couldn’t help but share his wonderfully cheesy pictorial.  In light of the hardcore image Cranston acquired from Breaking Bad, it’s all the more humorous to see him described as an affable Prince Charming.




The issue also featured the likes of Duran Duran, Ralph Macchio, Prince, and Menudo.  Poor Cranston didn’t have enough celeb status to get a mention on the cover.  But the future Heisenberg did warrant a two page spread entitled “Bryan Cranston: He’s a Good Sport”.   The article begins:

If you’re a fan of ABC-TV’s “Loving” you’ve probably fallen in love yourself – with actor Bryan Cranston.  His character, drama professor Doug Donovan, is the resident good guy: sensitive, vulnerable and more than a little good-looking.  So when Bryan recently called TEEN TALK and invited us to join him in his work out in Manhattan’s Central Park, we jumped at the chance.



“If you were a bat, could you keep your eye on the ball?” Actually, with those short-shorts, it would be pretty hard not to spot a ball (or two).


The article continues:

To our delight, we discovered that the real-life Bryan is every bit as nice as Doug, and he’s a great athlete, too.  “Growing up, I always wanted to be a baseball star,” he told us.  In high school, he played baseball, football and tennis.  Now acting is his major passion, but as you can see, he spends plenty of time keeping in shape.  “I take an hour-long aerobics class that I really enjoy, “he says.  (So do all the girls in his class!)  “I also love to play sports.”


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Last spring, Bryan organized a soap star football game – “Loving” vs. “All My Children.”  “It was fun,” he jokes, “but unfortunately, ‘All My Children’ cheated, so they beat us!”  Bryan’s next project is organizing a soap star baseball game, with good guys pitted against bad guys.  “I’d like it to be for the public,” he says.

We can’t wait for the game, but meantime, these exclusive pictures of our day with Bryan should score high with you.




And so ends this lovely bit of journalism.  I never knew Cranston was such an all-around athlete.  One minute he’s jumping rope (“Bryan’s got such great legs!”), the next he’s juggling, and the next he’s creating the purest methamphetamine on the planet…. well, that last part comes later.




Hey, actors have got to start somewhere.  It’s not uncommon for actors to rise up through the ranks, starting in soap operas and ending up critically acclaimed superstars.  However, there’s just something particularly amusing about seeing Walter White as a young buck, hamming it up for a teen magazine.



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