They Closed Frank Sinatra’s Bootleg Cal Neva Casino

THEY’VE closed the casino at the legendary, notorious Cal Neva Lodge, the Lake Tahoe resort on the California-Nevada border once owned by Frank Sinatra, visited on her final weekend by Marilyn Monroe and a key location of Rat Pack history.

Sinatra owned the Cal Neva in its heyday, from 1960 to 1963.

He renovated the joint, added the celebrity showroom and a helicopter pad on the roof and used the old bootlegging tunnels to shuffle mobsters and celebrities underground so they wouldn’t be seen.

The Cal Neva’s owner hopes to reopen the casino under a new outside contractor by the end of year, though some analysts say it’s not gonna happen, as Tahoe casinos are taking a big hit from Vegas and the Indian casinos.

The rest of the property, including the restaurants and showroom named for Sinatra, are still in business.


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